Kaeden Johnson, age 13 was born with severe heart problems that required many surgeries including open heart, cranial and brain surgery. Kaeden is mostly deaf and also had surgery to place tubes in his ears. Kaeden, who is also autistic, enjoys playing on his iPad and watching TV.   He lives with his 12 year old brother Jesse and his mother Angela Paugh.

Habitat of Bedford County was asked to help this family after years of unsuccessful attempts to get help with a ramp. His mother, Angela Paugh has been carrying the boy and his chair down a flight of stairs in order to transport him to a vehicle.  Angela says, “He needs round the clock care and it’s been getting harder to carry him as he gets older.”  After research and a visit to the home, the Habitat board decided to build the ramp for Kaeden.  Board members and other volunteers built sections of the ramp at Alex and Karen Young’s building and then it was transported to the Hyndman home where volunteers spend many hours finishing the project. Also volunteering to help the family in need is Jason Hale and his two sons Ceaton, age 14 and Cuyler, age 10.  They are Habitat’s “Partner Family” for the new home being built in 2020 .